• 29.11.2019

Fondazione ICA Milano presents

AAA Arts and Access for All


A new three-year project dedicated to accessible and inclusive art

First event: Friday, 29th November 2019 dedicated to museum and cultural proposals thought for Alzheimer-affected people and those who take care of them.


Fondazione ICA Milano presents a special awareness-rising initiative open to the public dedicated to cultural and museums proposal, entirely dedicated to persons suffering from Alzheimer and those who take care of them.

This first appointment launches a new three-year project that ICA will devote to arts and museums accessibility. AAA - Arts and Access for All is the chosen title for the overall project, structured as an actual educational program thats aims to create the necessary skills to spread accessible educational activities, making ICA the leader of a different approach to museum educational services. 

“The initiatives accessible to people affected by dementia promoted in the museum and cultural sectors may have a strong meaning and a notable impact on people’s lives. In an environment free of cognitive barriers, persons affected by dementia can still fully participate to the social and cultural life and continue to feel part of the community” Cristina Bucci, Luca Carli Ballola, Chiara Lachi, Michela Mei

The initiative is promoted by ICA and made possibile by LImmaginario Associazione Culturale together with Luca Carli Ballola and Michela Mei, geriatric educators, with the patronage of AIP – Associazione Italiana Psicogeriatria and Alzheimer Fest. On the 29th of November 2019 ICA will host a series of talks and workshops mapping out the diverse contributions that museums and arts can offer to the creation of open cities and communities, that would be inclusive towards persons with dementia.

During the morning (from 9.30am to 1pm) a series of talks from experts from the geriatric, educational and museum fields, but also from relatives of persons suffering from Alzheimer, will outline the state of the art of museum accessibility and, overall, of spaces of culture.

During the afternoon, from 2pm to 5pm, a workshop session will further investigate issues related to facilitating strategies and experiences of encounter with art. A time for sharing and discussion will follow.

The event is conceived for the general public, namely to anyone interested either professionally or personally to the theme. Admission is free of charge upon reservation to rsvp@icamilano.it.




AAA - Arts and Access for All takes place in synergy with the calendar of interdisciplinary activities that ICA Milano offers to the city and the public, where notions of sharing and participation are key. ICA’s commitment is not limited to the presentation of collective and monographic exhibitions, but also extends to the promotion of a line of research on history of art, applied arts and publishing, on the creation of a rich public program featuring collateral initiatives in relation to current exhibitions, and on the development of educational activities with ICA Extra program. The latter includes ICA Milano’s School of Philosophy, a project focusing on the relationship between artistic production and contemporary philosophical research.



AAA Arts and Access for All

Friday, 29th November 2019

9.30am –1pm introduction and interventions
2pm –5pm workshop and sharing of experiences

Free admission prior to reservation

In collaboration with L’Immaginario Associazione Culturale

Under the patronage of
Associazione Italiana Psicogeratria
Alzheimer Fest


ICA MILANO | Istituto Contemporaneo per le Arti

Via Orobia 26, 20139 Milano
office@icamilano.it| www.icamilano.it
Opening times thursday –sunday, 11am –7pm
Free admission



Alberto Salvadori, ICA Milano director

Chaired by
Chiara Lachi, Associazione Culturale L’immaginario and Coordination of MTA Musei Toscani per l’Alzheimer



Mariella Zanetti, geriatrician, Cooperativa La Meridiana Monza (Il Paese Ritrovato)

Life prospects beyond illness

Cristina Buccie Luca Carli Ballola, Coordination MTA Musei Toscani per l’Alzheimer

Towards the museum as a prescription

Bairbre-Ann Harkin, Art & Ageing Curator, IMMA Dublino

Nothing For Us Without Us: Audience As Advisor

Adriane Boag, Programs, Education, Research Library and Archives National Gallery of Australia,Canberra

Lucilla Boschi, coordinator of the Thematic Commission of Museum Accessibility, ICOM Italia

Luisa Moser, Head of Education services at the Archaeological Heritage Office of the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage of PAT (Autonomous Province of Trento)

The Alzheimer Fest and museums embracing each others


Relatives’ testimony
with Anna and Pierluigi Bartolini, Anna Castellacci, Cecilia Grappone, Erina Serruto
Interview curated by Michela Mei, Associazione Anna and Coordinator of MTA Musei Toscani per l’Alzheimer

1 - 2pm
Lunch break

2.30 - 3.30pm
Workshops (taking place simultaneously)

with Adriane Boeg, Programs, Education, Research Library and Archives National Gallery of Australia

with Bairbe-Ann Harkin, Art & Ageing Curator, IMMA Dublino

with Chiara Lachie Michela Mei, Coordination MTA Musei Toscani per l’Alzheimer, Art as a communication tool

with Elisa Negri, Civita per Gallerie di Italia, Intersections, going beyond stereotypes
with Pietro Vigorelli, psychotherapist, educator, promoter of ApproccioCapacitante®, How to overcome cognitive barriers with ApproccioCapacitante®

3.30 - 4.30pm
Open discussion open to all participants

4.30 - 5pm



Associazione Culturale L'immaginario
L’Immaginario was born with the aim to increase people’s awareness, starting from childhood, towards cultural heritage, to develop in children and adults the capacity of artworks fruition and to contribute to both individual and collective growth within the cultural field in which the association operates. The course of action in the latest years has seen founders Cristina Bucci and Chiara Lachi together with the whole association involved in accessibility projects aiming at the cultural inclusion of persons with disabilities. Since 2012, Cristina Bucci, Chiara Lachi, Luca Carli Ballola and Michela Mei have formed a team developing museum projects for persons suffering from dementia. This year they have been appointed the coordination of the informal network MTA, Musei Toscani per l’Alzheimer.

AIP Italian Association of Psychogeriatrics
AIP takes care of elderly psychic problems such as depression, anxiety, adaption issues and cognitive disorders. One of the goals of AIP is to offer elderly people the possibility to age while keeping active in their physical and mental abilities.

Alzheimer Fest
Alzheimer Fest is a Milan-based not-for-profit association founded in 2017, composed by relatives “on active service”, therapists, artists, caregivers, doctors, professors, journalists, actors, musicians and researchers: several persons sharing an idea of dementia as a “life season” and who do not accept that self-dignity being ignored or thrashed.

MTA Musei Toscani per l’Alzheimer
Musei Toscani per l’Alzheimer is an informal network formed by more than 50 museums and 10 libraries distributed around Tuscany, proposing activities for people suffering from dementia and their carers. The Tuscan model constitutes a unique example of good practice on a national and international level. The Musei della Regione Toscana Sector has supported since 2013 a coordination of the informal network, promoting formative classes and events around the territory, as well as meetings, opportunities for discussion and sharing of good practices, also on a multidisciplinary level, at both a regional, national and international scale. It also manages a common webpage allowing people to share calendars, produces communication material and  develop research and work models together with social and health local services.

AAA - Arts and Access for All

Progetti speciali

Olympia Scarry. Microwave Sky

Curated by Alberto Salvadori


Tomoo Gokita. GUMBO

A cura di Alberto Salvadori

Progetti speciali

Olympia Scarry. Microwave Sky

Curated by Alberto Salvadori


Tomoo Gokita. GUMBO

A cura di Alberto Salvadori

Progetti speciali

Olympia Scarry. Microwave Sky

Curated by Alberto Salvadori


Tomoo Gokita. GUMBO

A cura di Alberto Salvadori

Progetti speciali

Olympia Scarry. Microwave Sky

Curated by Alberto Salvadori


Tomoo Gokita. GUMBO

A cura di Alberto Salvadori

Progetti speciali

Olympia Scarry. Microwave Sky

Curated by Alberto Salvadori


Tomoo Gokita. GUMBO

A cura di Alberto Salvadori

H 18:00



Curated by Cloe Piccoli

Progetti speciali

Olympia Scarry. Microwave Sky

Curated by Alberto Salvadori


Tomoo Gokita. GUMBO

A cura di Alberto Salvadori

Progetti speciali

Olympia Scarry. Microwave Sky

Curated by Alberto Salvadori


Tomoo Gokita. GUMBO

A cura di Alberto Salvadori